Anushka Sharma shared a picture of her baby bump amid reports that she is pregnant again. It has been accounted for that Anushka and Virat are expecting their second baby together. While Anushka is quiet about the reports of her subsequent pregnancy, she shared a picture from her most memorable pregnancy on Instagram on Thursday. The actress was promoting a telephone brand when she chose to share a photograph from the time she was pregnant with her daughter, Vamika.
Anushka Sharma Shares Her Baby Bump Photo Amid 2nd Pregnancy Rumours
The Chakda Xpress star revealed she was upgrading her telephone and chose to recreate her old photograph with the baby bump. In both the pictures, Anushka was seen seated in a garden area while posing with her telephone. Sharing photographs, Anushka stated, "Time passes quickly… And it was the ideal opportunity for that truly necessary upgrade, so why settle when you can upgrade with #OnePlusOpen Glad to be a part of @oneplus_india clan."
Although Anushka staying quiet about pregnancy bits of gossip, fans detected her baby bump after the India versus Pakistan World Cup match. Meanwhile, a source told Hindustan Times that Anushka is pregnant however won't declare the pregnancy anytime soon. "Anushka is expecting her subsequent baby. Like the last time, they will formally share the news with the world at a later stage," the source said.
Addressing the actress' lack of public appearances, the source claimed, "This isn't a coincidence. She is staying away from the public eye to avoid speculation." While the reports had been sparked earlier, they went overflowing after Anushka's Ganesh Chaturthi post.
The report also referenced that the couple was as of late spotted by the paparazzi outside a maternity clinic in Mumbai yet mentioned that their photographs not be taken. "They mentioned the paparazzi to not distribute their pictures, with a guarantee to make an announcement soon," the source was cited as saying.